Advisory Services
We provide expert guidance on best practices and strategies to strengthen an organization's cyber defenses and resilience.

Perform cyber security maturity assessment

We will perform security maturity assessment and evaluate how well your organization is prepared to protect its information assets and systems from cyber threats. The assessment will identify organization’s strengths and weaknesses, prioritize its actions, and measure its progress in improving the cyber security posture. Different models and frameworks can be leveraged to perform the assessment.

Define cyber security program

A cyber security program is essential for any organization that relies on information technology for its operations. The program includes the tools, technologies, and people that implement and monitor the security controls.

We will support you and create your holistic cyber security program:

  • • Define your strategy to cyber security.

    • Build a roadmap across all cyber security domains such as network security, endpoint security, operational security etc.

    • Plan to achieve desired maturity and compliance levels across necessary frameworks.

Cyber security governance model

A cyber security governance model describes how the organization controls and directs its approach to cyber security. It defines the roles, responsibilities, and processes.

We can create and implement your:

  • • Cyber security vision and mission statement that articulates the organization’s purpose and direction for cyber security.

    • Policy framework with policies, standards, guidelines, and operating procedures that guide the decision making and actions related to cyber security.

    • A cyber security performance measurement system that evaluates the effectiveness and efficiency of cyber security activities and outcomes.

Defined cyber security governace helps organizations align business objectives and risk appetite with its security strategy and investments.

Cyber security risk assessment

A cyber security risk assessment is the process to identify, analyze, and evaluate the potential threats and vulnerabilities to organizations. It helps organizations to prioritize their risks, implement appropriate controls, and monitor their effectiveness.

DOTDNA can consult and manage to:

  • • Define and implement risk assessment framework to detect, measure, take actions and report on key cyber risks aligned to enterprise risk appetite.

    • Prioritize the cyber risks and implement appropriate mitigation strategies.

    • Comply with relevant laws, regulations, standards, and best practices for cyber security.

Proactive security risk management will reduce the likelihood and impact of cyber incidents.

Cyber security architecture

DotDNA can help you to evaluate the design and implementation of organization’s cyber security systems, policies, and technologies. We will identify the strengths and weaknesses of the current cyber security posture and provide recommendations for improvement and alignment with the organization’s business goals and risk profile.

Build cyber security training and awareness program

As digitalization becomes more pervasive in our society, so do cyber threats that can compromise our security and privacy. Organizations need to invest in training and awareness programs that can equip their employees, customers, and stakeholders with the skills and knowledge to deal with cyber risks and threats in their work and personal lives.

DOTDNA can help you to:

  • • Create and implement customized training programs for your employees based on their roles and responsibilities.

    • Provide comprehensive awareness programs that can educate, test, measure, and report on the cyber readiness of your workforce.

    • Launch scenario-based awareness campaigns that can simulate real-life cyber-attacks and test the response of your employees.

By embedding and investing in a cyber safe culture, you can reduce various risks for your organization and enhance your reputation and trust.

PMO Service

Project management office helps effectively to run cyber security initiatives. We can support you with experiences project management services in the field of cyber security.


Tailored digital security solutions

Detection and Response

We amplify your threat visibility and employ automated incident response to safeguard your resources, standing, and activities.

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Offensive Security

We specialize in penetration testing and collaborative cross-team operations, creating realistic threat simulations to fine-tune and amplify cybersecurity defenses.

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Reporting and Analytics

Today's digital landscape requires more than just monitoring isolated metrics; it demands a holistic, unified view of your entire cybersecurity posture.

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Contact us Today

Whenever you have queries, require expert advice, or need prompt support, we are just a click away.
We are dedicated to helping you protect what is important to you.

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